Venice Charter and its role in shaping concepts in the heritage protection system
Siwek Andrzej Jagielloński, Instytut Historii Sztuki (Poland)
The Venice Charter is one of the fundamental doctrinal documents sharing the contemporary system of heritage protection. In its preamble and the articles regarding definitions, the essence of the statements defining the purpose of the heritage protection system has been
covered. It provides a rationale for why the heritage protection system should exist. It defines what
should be understood as heritage, and the articles defining the intention emphasizes that it is “to safeguard them no less as works of art than as historical evidence”. These concise yet comprehensive definitions form the foundation for further doctrinal considerations. Subsequent doctrinal documents and modern strategic papers contain numerous formulations which are addressing both the definition of the monument (as the object of protection) and the purpose of the activity. A notable trend is the broadening of the understanding of the term “monument” and
the expansion of justifications for the system's functioning. Monuments are preserved not only for cultural or historical reasons but also for economic, social, climatic, and other impacts. This process leads to a deconstruction of the heritage protection system, where in the definition of the object of protection, the values justifying the system’s existence, and its goals become increasingly ambiguous.
The perspective for the functioning of the heritage protection system requires a re-evaluation of its
assumptions and a return to basic concepts, which are explaining and guiding its existence. It is worth
considering, whether and how, under contemporary conditions, the basic definitions and principles
of the Venice Charter can be rearticulated to reinforce their relevance in shaping the rules of how the
system is operating. Without and updated definition of the monument and a clear articulation of the
purpose, its role will be taken over by other socio-economic activities. Consequently, conservation
concepts will be undergoing further modification, ultimately threatening the preservation of
resources and the established traditions of heritage protection.
heritage protection, Venice Charter, Conservation doctrine, historic monumentReferences
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Historii Sztuki Poland
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