Poznań – contemporary transformations in the historical city space. Achievements, current state and the prospects

Piotr Marciniak

Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

Joanna Bielawska-Pałczyńska

Miejski Konserwator Zabytków w Poznaniu (Poland)

Agnieszka Rumież

Poznan University of Technology (Poland)


The article discusses issues concerning the choice and difficult selection of historic buildings from the area of the city of Przemyśl, which were put forward for inclusion in the list of Monuments of History. Due to geographical and historical factors, it was decided to place the main emphasis on the military value of the city. In the application for the list of monuments of history, apart from the old town within the remnants of the city walls, the list of objects was extended to include castellated Carmelite, Franciscan (FPOs) and Benedictine monasteries, in Zasanie, whose fortifications supported the defense of the city. The buildings of the barracks of the Fortress were also selected. All these elements made up a very large area, “insularly” scattered around the city and neighboring communes, with a varying degree of preservation of the historical substance. The text discusses the problem of the extent of the entry on the list of Historical Monuments, landscape, historical and artistic values of the city, the issues of protection and increasing the tourist value, and also poses a question about further prospects for the development of the city and the Fortress.


historical monument, heritage protection, modernization, plannistic instruments

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Cited by

Marciniak, P., Joanna Bielawska-Pałczyńska, & Agnieszka Rumież. (2019). Poznań – contemporary transformations in the historical city space. Achievements, current state and the prospects. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (7), 111–121. https://doi.org/10.35784/odk.8


Piotr Marciniak 
Poznan University of Technology Poland


Joanna Bielawska-Pałczyńska 

Miejski Konserwator Zabytków w Poznaniu Poland


Agnieszka Rumież 

Poznan University of Technology Poland


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