Searching for criteria for the evaluation of modern wall paintings in historic churches in Poland

Małgorzata Korpała

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (Poland)


The article discusses modern polychromies made during the 20th century in historic churches. It is often believed that they are not appropriate for historic and church interiors. Their value is frequently discredited because of the epoch in which they were created.
Modern wall paintings in historic church interiors can be divided according to periods in which the former were created. The first group comes from the inter-war period. The second group encompasses polychromies created after the war in the course of preparations and celebrations of the Millennium of the Baptism of Poland. Contemporary decors in historic churches were also carried out in later times. They were executed by outstanding artists – Józef E. Dutkiewicz, Wacław Taranczewski, Jerzy Nowosielski. Frequently polychromies combined effects of conservation work with contemporary polychrome painting. The most important feature of those realisations was integrating the historic furnishings and design with new contemporary interior decoration. In many cases they were a manifestation of modernity, while in other modern artwork in monuments constituted a continuation of transformations in old churches and adding more works of art.
The only chance to save those decorations is entering them into the monument register. That is why it is necessary to prepare the criteria for evaluating of modern paintings in historic interiors. It will allow not only for appreciating and preserving those polychromies, but will also make it possible to protect them effectively.


wall painting, modern painting, monument evaluation criteria, conservation of painting

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Cited by

Korpała, M. (2017). Searching for criteria for the evaluation of modern wall paintings in historic churches in Poland. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (3), 133–145.


Małgorzata Korpała 

University of Applied Sciences in Nysa Poland

dr, konserwatorka dzieł sztuki, absolwentka Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu;
wykładowca w Instytucie Architektury i Urbanistyki w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Zawodowej
w Nysie.
Zajmuje się pracami konserwatorskimi z zakresu malarstwa i rzeźby polichromowanej,
badaniami konserwatorskimi w zabytkach architektury, jest autorka wielu publikacji z zakresu
konserwacji i badań w zabytkach architektury


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