Monuments of modernism as a defined resource of architectural heritage in the context of post-war facilities protection

Maciej Czarnecki

Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)


Modern movement in architecture of the twentieth century image diverse in terms of trends and tendencies and also consistent in terms of characteristics and evaluation criteria. So assumption is aimed at:
– Separation of the main directions of modernism with an emphasis on diversity of forms and spatial systems;
– Demonstrate common features ideological, artistic, stylish – allow for a holistic treatment of Modernism as a movement with the characteristics of the architectural style.
These assumptions should be regarded as crucial to the prospects for the protection of post-war modernist architecture. Many pre-war buildings listed in the register of monuments and in the municipal records for. Numerous studies over the interwar modernism facilitate assessment of the value, to determine the characteristics and restoration of this architecture.
Most of the realization of being an example of post-war modernism is not protected, functioning in the collective consciousness as objects too contemporary to treat them as historical monuments. Their ideological characteristics, formal, functional and technological – are not often used in so far classification and valuation of objects recommended for protection.
The article is an attempt to summarize the objects typical of selected trends of the inter-war period realizations depicting post-war trends of modern architecture in order to show that modernism was a movement that should be treated holistically as stylistically consistent, time-limited period of twentieth century architecture.


architecture, modernism, heritage, monuments, preservation

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Cited by

Czarnecki, M. (2017). Monuments of modernism as a defined resource of architectural heritage in the context of post-war facilities protection. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (3), 179–186.


Maciej Czarnecki 

Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology Poland

dr inż. architekt, adiunkt na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej. Kieruje
Pracownią Architektury i Sztuki Współczesnej działającą w ramach Zakładu Dziedzictwa
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wieku, problemy ochrony powojennego modernizmu, architektura najnowsza.


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