Historic monument – the Gniezno Cathedral – the dominant monument of the city landscape now and in the past
Magdalena Meller
University of Life Sciences in Poznań (Poland)
Karolina Kowalska
University of Life Sciences in Poznań (Poland)
The study describes the history and current state of selected areas of urban greenery with the dominant monument of the history of Gniezno Cathedral. An analysis of the nine panoramas from different viewpoints of the city located on several hills. The paper describes the history of selected green areas of the city of Gniezno taking into account basic information concerning the history of the city, as they had a significant influence on their formation. For the area a comparative analysis of the state of the existing and archival state was made, as well as the study of the landscape. Attention was paid to the cultural, natural and tourist potential of the city. The obtained information allowed us to assess the panorama of the Gniezno Cathedral and to exploit the potential of the city in terms of cultural and natural resources.
Cathedral in Gniezno, Monument of history, GnieznoReferences
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Magdalena MellerUniversity of Life Sciences in Poznań Poland
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Karolina KowalskaUniversity of Life Sciences in Poznań Poland
autorka pracy inżynierskiej pod kierunkiem dr inż. Magdaleny Meller „Historia a stan aktualny wybranych terenów zieleni miejskiej miasta Gniezno z dominantą Pomnika Historii” (2.02.2017). Studentka Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska i Gospodarki Przestrzennej.
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