Places of memory as a subject of theoretical reflection in heritage conservation

Janusz Krawczyk

Faculty of Fine Arts/Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland)


The discussion on the applicability of the idea of places of memory in the contemporary theory of conservation, and by extension, in practice and in establishing long-term conservation policies, is vital for the future of heritage protection. The aim of this article is to present the evolving understanding of memory by the authors of conservation theories and doctrines. The first part is concerned with the results of linguistic analyses which suggest that thinking in terms of signs and places of memory is deeply linked to the emergence of conservation attitudes in the history of European culture. What follows is an overview of the transformations of the cultural status of monuments from the Enlightenment to the present day, focused on the concept of historical monuments (Voltaire, J. J. Winckelmann), on the problem of the intentionality of monuments and relativisation of the criteria used for their assessment (A. Riegl), as well as on the influence of the idea of lieux de mémoire by P. Nora on the contemporary understanding of heritage and the principles of protecting it.


places of memory, monument, unintentional monuments, lieux de mémoire, tangible heritage, intangible heritage

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Cited by

Krawczyk, J. (2018). Places of memory as a subject of theoretical reflection in heritage conservation. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (5), 91–101.


Janusz Krawczyk 

Faculty of Fine Arts/Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Poland

dr hab., profesor Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, kierownik Zakładu Konserwatorstwa w Instytucie Zabytkoznawstwa i Konserwatorstwa UMK. Autor opracowań poświęconych dziejom myśli konserwatorskiej. Wykłada Historię i teorię ochrony i konserwacji zabytków oraz Współczesne koncepcje ochrony dóbr kultury. Członek Międzynarodowego Komitetu Teorii Konserwatorskiej ICOMOS oraz Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki.


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