Artifacts in memorial places - the issue of restitution of museum ehxibits

Anna Mazur

Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University in Karków (Poland)


Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt, commissioned by Dr. Mengele, created several portraits on which she depicted Roma. In 1963, they were bought by the Museum in Auschwitz, and six years later, the employees managed to find their author. Already during the first visit to the camp Dina Gottliebova wanted to recover her watercolors. Then, over the following years, she fought for their recovery, which is now continued by her family. Another example of making a claim to the Museum in Auschwitz is the issue of returning a suitcase to a family that belonged to Pierre Levy. The matter was settled by a settlement. The article will be considered on whether the exhibits should be returned.


memorial places, restitution, memory, property, Auschwitz, watercolors, Dina Gottliebova-Babbitt

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Cited by

Mazur, A. (2018). Artifacts in memorial places - the issue of restitution of museum ehxibits. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (5), 125–134.


Anna Mazur 

Faculty of Law and Administration, Jagiellonian University in Karków Poland

doktorantka w Katedrze Prawa Administracyjnego na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UJ. Laureatka VI edycji programu „Diamentowy grant” w ramach, którego prowadzi badania dotyczące restytucji dóbr kultury. Autorka publikacji naukowych głównie z zakresu restytucji i ochrony dóbr kultury.


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