The modernization of public spaces in problematic residential areas exemplified on selected projects and realizations in the Bronowice district of Lublin

Kamila Boguszewska

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Natalia Przesmycka

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Poland)


Tatary and Bronowice are considered to be the most dangerous and problematic districts of Lublin. The problems are exacerbated by the changing age structure of the residents – “ageing” and a high percentage of the unemployed, caused by the collapse of industry in Lublin after 1989 (URSUS), which was the main sector of employment for the residents of these districts. Apart from the problems typical for all housing estates from the communist era, e.g. lack of parking spaces, there is vandalism, alcoholism and low material status of the residents.

The development of the Tatary district after World War II was connected with the industrial district (among industrial plants, the biggest employer was the Fabryka Samochodów Ciężarowych (Heavy Goods Vehicle Factory) established in 1951, there was a slaughterhouse, and now – meat processing plants.

Housing estates built within the Tatary district in 1950−1972 (ZOR Tatary and Motor) and Bronowice (ZOR Bronowice I 1954−1956 and Bronowice II and III 1956−1969) were characterised by a large share of green and recreational areas dedicated to various users. After several decades of lack of investment and with changing lifestyles and users’ needs, these spaces are among the most neglected in Lublin. Currently works related to the improvement of infrastructure in these housing estates are being undertaken such as: replacement of street lights, sidewalks, etc. District councils are working intensively to raise funds for the most urgent needs, but they are not always well thought out or designed in an appropriate way. The problem is the lack of models and often duplication of functional and aesthetic schemes, not always appropriate to the area.

The modernization of public spaces is one of the elements of revitalisation processes, in which the involvement of future users at the design stage is a necessary element. Good public spaces increase the sense of security, comfort of living and even contribute to the increase in real estate prices. This paper presents the problems posed by the design process, implementation and functioning of selected public spaces in Tatary and Bronowice districts of Lublin where community participation played a crucial role.

The article presents issues related to the design, implementation and functioning of selected public spaces in the Bronowice district, where social participation was an important factor. Challenges of public space modernization in problematic residential areas are exemplified on selected projects and realizations in the Bronowice district of the city of Lublin.


Bronowice district of Lublin, public spaces modernization, housing estates in Lublin

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Cited by

Boguszewska, K., & Przesmycka, N. (2018). The modernization of public spaces in problematic residential areas exemplified on selected projects and realizations in the Bronowice district of Lublin. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 14(1), 89–97.


Kamila Boguszewska 

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland


Natalia Przesmycka 

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Poland


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