The earliest public green areas connected with Jelenia Góra, part. 1.

Marzanna Jagiełło

Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Since and Technology (Poland)

Wojciech Brzezowski

Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Since and Technology (Poland)


In the third part of the 18th century the earliest public landscape gardens began to appear in the area of suburban Jelenia Góra. They were the first public parks in Silesia. When establishing them, the natural landscape features of the area were used (Karkonosze). Such an early creation of these parks was influenced by the growing fashion for mountain hiking and the increased (thanks to the nearby health resorts) awareness of the benefits of contact with nature, while remaining in harmony with contemporary views on garden art.


landscape gardens, public gardens, Silesia

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Cited by

Jagiełło, M., & Brzezowski, W. (2018). The earliest public green areas connected with Jelenia Góra, part. 1. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 14(1), 136–144.


Marzanna Jagiełło 

Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Since and Technology Poland


Wojciech Brzezowski 

Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Since and Technology Poland


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