Canon in architecture of orthodox church of St. of God’s Wisdom – Hagia Sophia in Bialystok

Andrzej Tokajuk
Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)


In this article, the author analyzes the architectural features of the orthodox church of St. of God's Wisdom - Hagia Sophia in Bialystok. The author identifies the features of the building's architecture and relates them to the canons of designing this type of facility. Another point of reference is the archetype of Byzantine architecture - Hagia Sophia from Istanbul (former Constantinople). The aim of the research is to answer the questions whether the design of the temple in Bialystok has preserved the principles of shaping the form and detail of Byzantine architecture and whether the object has an original character. The research methods used by the author are the "in-situ" method and the analytical-comparative method.

Supporting Agencies

The research was carried out as part of work No. WZ/WA - IA/4/2020 at the Bialystok University of Technology and financed from a research subsidy provided by the Minister of Education and Science.


orthodox church, Hagia Sophia, architecture, canon, detail

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Cited by

Tokajuk, A. (2022). Canon in architecture of orthodox church of St. of God’s Wisdom – Hagia Sophia in Bialystok. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 18(4), 7–14.


Andrzej Tokajuk
Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology Poland

Andrzej Tokajuk – architect, doctor of technical sciences, works at the Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology. He is the author and co-author of several dozen scientific publications indexed, among others in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, participant of international scientific EU programmes. He deals with issues of designing housing architecture, urban planning of housing complexes, living standards, revitalization and development of urban structures and theory of architecture.


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