Problems of the prefabricated collective housing buildings of the 70's, XX century and revitalization methods in Poland and other European countries
Michał Dmitruk
m.dmitruk@pollub.plFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Issues connected with great panel constructions of the 70’s of the twentieth century is beginning to be both in Poland and in the rest of European urgent issue. Western European countries, in fear of increasing criminalization and impoverishment of large panel housing estates as well as the lowering number of inhabitants, began in the 90s of the twentieth century a comprehensive modernization, regeneration and humanization of gradually degrading urban fabric. Currently in blocks of concrete slabs lives approximately10 million Poles, which is more than 1/4 of the population. Despite many attempts to improve quality of those buildings and many revitalization activities that were undertaken, it is still not enough to restore the buildings to a modern standard and the functionality desired by the growing demands and needs of Polish citizens. To solve the problem of a great panel buildings in Poland in an appropriate, complete and durable manner, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach focusing on the: early realization and understanding of the scale of the problem, making it possible to accurately plan and take corrective action, activation and integration of communities to involve them in the processes of revitalization and budget preparation plus legal resolutions, giving way to take corrective actions, basing on the experience of Western European countries and skillfully transferring them to the niveground.
greatpanel, prefabrication, modernization, revitalization, humanizationReferences
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Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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