The largest but little-known monastery of Lviv: architectural image of the former convention of the Shoeless Carmelites

Mykola Bevz
Katedra Architektury i Konserwacji, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska”; Katedra Konserwacji Zabytków, Politechnika Lubelska (Poland)

Yuri Dubyk

Katedra Architektury i Konserwacji, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska” (Ukraine)


There is a building from the 17th century in the city center of Lviv, as the only remnant of the former monastery of the Shoeless Carmelites. The building is not entered in the register as an architectural monument. The facility is located in the internal structure of the quarter at 1−5 Kniazia Romana Street. The courtyard with the monastery building today belongs to the Lviv Polytechnic University. This quarter was founded in the Galician suburbs in the 14th century and has a very rich history. In the past, the quarter was located opposite the Halicz Gate – the entrance to the city center from the south. Originally, opposite the gate there were plots and suburban houses, mainly of potters, and the street leading to the Hałycka Gate was called “Garncarska”. Later, in the 15th century, the first wooden buildings of the Catholic monastery of the Shoeless Carmelite Order appear briefly in the quarter. A little later, the palace complex of city councilor Garani appeared here. The second foundation of the Shoeless Carmelite monastery takes place here at the beginning of the 17th century. The monastery is gradually expanding its area, new buildings are being built, and the complex is becoming the largest monastery in Lviv at that time. The eastern and southern sides of the monastery received a powerful line of bastion fortifications (part of the so-called defensive belt by Jan Behrens) at the end of the 17th century. In the last years of the 19th century, after the dissolution of the Carmelite Order, new public buildings appeared in place of the monastery buildings – the school named after Franz Josef and the large building of the Palace of Justice (National Court of Galicia), a normal school. On the eastern and southern sides of the quarter, in the place of Behrens’ fortifications, a number of residential buildings are being built. The preserved monastery building was intended for monks’ cells. So far, the facility has not been the subject of a detailed study. In our publication, we try to reconstruct its main architectural features against the background of emphasizing the chronology of the development of the monastery buildings. We pay particular attention to revealing and locating the fragmentary archaeologically preserved remains of the church and other buildings of the convent. The church bore the double name of Saint. Lenard and the Visitation of the Virgin Mary.


monastery, Order of the Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Shoeless), Lviv, development phases, architecture

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Cited by

Bevz, M., & Dubyk, Y. (2023). The largest but little-known monastery of Lviv: architectural image of the former convention of the Shoeless Carmelites. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 19(2), 58–74.


Mykola Bevz
Katedra Architektury i Konserwacji, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska”; Katedra Konserwacji Zabytków, Politechnika Lubelska Poland


Yuri Dubyk 

Katedra Architektury i Konserwacji, Uniwersytet Narodowy „Politechnika Lwowska” Ukraine


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