Return of the Authentic Artistic Decor of the Assembly Hall of the Main Building of the Lviv Polytechnic University

Mykola Bevz
Department of Conservation of Monuments, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Serhii Hetmanchuk

Department of Architecture and Conservation National University "Lviv Polytechnick" (Ukraine)

Myron Demkiv



The publication highlights the results of pre-project, design and work studies on the conservation of the interior of the Assembly Hall of Lviv Polytechnic University. The assembly hall is located in the main building of the university. The building was erected in 1874−1877 according to the project of the architect Julian Zaharievich. The hall received its finished artistic design and decor in 1884 after the painting works designed by the architect Ivan Dolynskyi and the installation in the frieze of 11 artistic canvases made at the Kraków Academy of Arts under the direction of Jan Matejko. Paintings are the main decoration of the hall and using artistic allegorical images reveals the development of humanity and the role of technical and spiritual progress in this process. The paintings were preserved in good condition, but the interior of the hall itself was thoroughly changed in the 20th century. The restoration works were carried out on the interior of the hall from 2015 to 2021 to return it to its original appearance. The restoration work was divided into two main phases. In the first stage, a comprehensive study of the interior was carried out and restoration work was made on one fragment of the wall. Conducting the first round of cleaning and restoration works only on the selected part of the wall of the hall was due to the need to identify the difficulties of implementing restoration works and develop their optimal methodology. This experimental stage provided answers to several questions: what is the preservation of the original art painting layer; what paints were used by the authors; which method of cleaning layers is the most effective, etc. We also received an answer to the question – of how long will be the process of the full cycle of restoration works in the assembly hall. This stage ended with the correction and finalization of the conceptual project for the restoration of the artistic interior of the assembly hall. The article highlights the results of this first stage of work, as well as describes all stages of the execution conservation works. As a result of the restoration work, which lasted five years, the Assembly Hall acquired an authentic appearance.


conservation, artistic decoration, assembly hall, Lviv Polytechnic

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Cited by

Bevz, M., Hetmanchuk, S., & Demkiv, M. (2024). Return of the Authentic Artistic Decor of the Assembly Hall of the Main Building of the Lviv Polytechnic University. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 20(3), 45–53.


Mykola Bevz
Department of Conservation of Monuments, Lublin University of Technology Poland


Serhii Hetmanchuk 

Department of Architecture and Conservation National University "Lviv Polytechnick" Ukraine


Myron Demkiv 



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