Adaptation of Service Premises for Families with Children in the Context of Accessibility and Inclusivity
Dariia Kryshnivska
Contemporary Architecture Research Group, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Małgorzata Kozak
m.kozak@pollub.plFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The arrival of children in a family significantly alters daily life, while public spaces such as service premises often remain inadequately adapted to the new needs of parents and their children. As a result, urban environments become less welcoming and more challenging to navigate, limiting opportunities for free movement and participation in social life. From the perspective of an average user, the absence of a changing table in a shopping centre restroom, a feeding table in a restaurant, or a play corner may seem like minor inconveniences. However, for parents with young children, these are essential infrastructure elements, whose absence contributes to the exclusion of this social group. This article analyses the accessibility and inclusivity of public spaces in terms of their adaptation to the needs of families with children, with particular focus on shopping centres, dining establishments, and cultural buildings. Based on a survey conducted among parents of children aged 0–7 years residing in Lublin, problematic locations and gaps in the existing infrastructure were identified. The research findings were compared with examples of solutions implemented in modern European cities, enabling the formulation of recommendations tailored to the local conditions of Lublin. The implementation of these proposed solutions could significantly enhance the comfort and quality of life for families in the city and support the concept of sustainable development.
sustainable development, inclusivity, child-friendly architecture, gastronomyReferences
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Dariia KryshnivskaContemporary Architecture Research Group, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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