Optimal parking solutions in a limited space: analysis for the area around the Rest House for Employees of Lublin University of Technology in Kazimierz Dolny
Aleksandra Sztorc
a.sztorc@pollub.plDepartment of Contemporary Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Aleksandra Typek
4th year, 1st degree student of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The study was aimed at selecting optimal parking solutions for the Rest House for Employees of Lublin University of Technology in Kazimierz Dolny, taking into account functional, ecological and aesthetic aspects. The location and surroundings of the facility required the design of a car park that would meet technical requirements and blend harmoniously with the surroundings. The site required improved aesthetics and functionality. This included creating more biologically active areas and separating the car park from the playground. The proposed changes included the use of appropriate surfacing materials to allow the car park space to blend into the natural landscape. The design concept included the addition of greenery to increase safety and comfort, as well as a shed with photovoltaic panels that could generate electricity. This design would optimise the functionality of the car park, influence the sustainability of the space and improve the aesthetics of the site.
parking surfaces, krajobraz, parkowanieReferences
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Uchwała Nr XLIV/311/22 Rady Miejskiej w Kazimierzu Dolnym z dnia 28 września 2022 roku w sprawie miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego dla części obszaru gminy Kazimierz Dolny, w obrębach: Kazimierz Dolny, Mięćmierz-Okale, Cholewianka. (2022, September 28).
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Aleksandra Sztorca.sztorc@pollub.pl
Department of Contemporary Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
Aleksandra Typek4th year, 1st degree student of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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