Role of imagination in a creativity process and a threats of the modern world
Mariusz Dąbrowski
Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Lublin (Poland)
Agnieszka Chęć-Małyszek
a.chec-malyszek@pollub.plDepartment of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architec-ture, University of Lublin (Poland)
In all areas of creative activities imagination is an essential element of life and man’s functioning. In many situations in our life it is an inherent element used in many cases more or less consciously. It allows you to create images that have no equivalents in any impressions presenting the basis for creativity and all human activity. Imagination is a natural extension of sight. It is a peculiar ability to form images, encouraging creative reflection and activities of young people. Nowadays a human being is constantly bombarded with an increasing numberof sounds and images, which “choke” the natural evolution of imagination. The fast technological progress, that we witness does not remain without influence on the development of creative thinking, it creates barriers that can restrain a human being.
imagination, creative thinking, barriers, the creative processReferences
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Mariusz DąbrowskiDepartment of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Lublin Poland
Agnieszka Chęć-Mał
Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architec-ture, University of Lublin Poland
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