Przebudowa Potsdamer Platz jako przykład współczesnego kształtowania przestrzeni publicznej
Anna Szafranek
a.szafranek@pollub.plKatedra Architektury Współczesnej, Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury, Politechnika Lubelska (Poland)
The purpose of the article is to present the public space Potsdamer Platz, created in a place of historical and symbolic significance for the city Berlin. This space has been designed in accordance with current building knowledge and the imagination of architects so as to enable meeting the needs of contemporary citizens. Selected historical forms of meeting public spatial needs are referenced and compared to those of Potsdamer Platz and its immediate surroundings. The historical outline presented concerns the ancient agora and the medieval city. Such a slightly extended treatment allows a fuller exploration of the changes taking place in the way public space is shaped. One may also be tempted to speculate on the changes in public space in the future.
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public space, Berlin: Potsdamer Platz – Sony Center-Kulturforum, satisfying human needs in public space, agora and medieval marketReferences
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Katedra Architektury Współczesnej, Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury, Politechnika Lubelska Poland
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