Latest developments in commercial jet engine design

Piotr Ułasiuk
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Chełmie (Poland)


The aviation market in Poland, as well as worldwide, is developing dynamically and is attracting the attention of many investors. As never before, major aviation companies are looking in every possible way for ways to reduce the production costs, operation and fuel consumption of their aircraft. Without doubt, the most important component of an aircraft and the one where a number of new technologies and optimisations of individual parts can be introduced is the jet engine. This article describes the latest developments that are being introduced by major aircraft propulsion manufacturers and their impact on improving performance. Selected design solutions and technologies used in the latest designs, such as Rolls Royce ltraFan, General Electric GEnx and Pratt & Whitney's PW 1100G, are presented.


jet engines, optimalisation, aviation market, aviation technologies, fuel savings, aviation engines development

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Piotr Ułasiuk
Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Chełmie Poland


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