Memory places or areas of Memory
Marek Barański
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology (Poland)
Cultural Heritage consits among others of historic monuments and memorial places or sites. They honors both the material evidence and peoples testimony being of non material character. Its presentation in a proper manner should consider not only inclussion of a vast documentary materials as museal collection, but also create specific forms of their interpretation and presentation. Traveling to shear diffent areas of man’s perception and intelectual interest can be creative and helpful in building the Memory of historic sites.
Architecture, memorial sites, holokaust, AuschwitzReferences
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Marek BarańskiFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kielce University of Technology Poland
dr inż arch., adiunkt Wydziału Budownictwa i Architektury Politechniki Świętokrzyskiej. Badacz architektury, konserwator zabytków
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