The memory of a site. Role and Importance of Material Component in the Becoming of Sites of Memory

Grzegorz Rytel

Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)


The author discusses the concept of a site of memory as understood by Pierre Nora while focusing on architectural structures which constitute material components of sites of memory. Some of them are architectonic ensembles or iconic buildings which are the major component of a site of memory. Other group includes structures which are deeply rooted in social memory and which, due to their material component destruction as a result of dramatic events in history, reinforced its position as sites of memory and were restored. There are also certain anomalous cases – a new structure developed where a destroyed one was once built, constitutes a material component of a new site of memory. In all the cases discussed, rigorous adherence to the principles of historic preservation, as in case of historic buildings, does not seem to be of primary importance.


site of memory, social memory, commemoration, material component, architecture

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Cited by

Rytel, G. (2018). The memory of a site. Role and Importance of Material Component in the Becoming of Sites of Memory. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (5), 145–153.


Grzegorz Rytel 

Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology Poland

dr inż. architekt, adiunkt w Zakładzie Dziedzictwa Architektonicznego i Sztuki na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej. Główne kierunki zainteresowań badawczych: historia i teoria architektury, architektura obiektów sepulkralno-kommemoratywnych w kontekście kulturowym, historia i ochrona architektury modernistycznej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem architektury Brazylii i wkładu polskich architektów-emigrantów w jej rozwój.


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