Manuscripts submitted for consideration should include previously unpublished material. While preparing the article, the Author should be acknowledged with the ‘Principles for authors’ posted in the journal’s ‘Ethical principles’. The journal publishes articles in English and the metadata (title, keywords and abstract) in both languages – English and Polish – in Roman script. The Journal does not provide translation service. The bibliography must also be written in Roman script. The citation and bibliography style are prepared and may be used by authors familiar with writing supporting software (such as Zotero, Mendeley, or Papers). AI-assisted tools and technologies can be used only for improving the readability of the paper and its language. It cannot be used as the generative tool in the process of creating substantive content. Please note that the Authors are responsible for the final content of the work.
The manuscripts are reviewed by two independent experts in the field designated by the Editors. The magazine follows the principles of double-blind peer review, i.e. the author and reviewers do not know each other’s identity. At least one of the reviewers is from outside the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture. If the author is an employee of the above-mentioned faculty, both reviewers are from outside this unit.
The only criterion for the selection of manuscripts is their scientific level. Preference is given to the most universal publications, written in English. In ethical matters, the journal follows the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) publishing ethics and applies the procedures included in the flowcharts.
By submitting the manuscript via the journal’s website, the Authors transfer copyright under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY 4.0 Int.), stating that the article:
The first step is for the Editorial Board to assess the article’s suitability for publication and its conformity to the stated aims and scope of the journal. The author is given feedback about the decision made. If the manuscript is accepted for review, it is forwarded to at least two independent reviewers. The magazine uses double-blind peer review, i.e. the author and reviewers do not know each other’s identity.
If the reviews are:
- positive – the manuscript is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief,
- negative – the editorial staff takes note of the comments and makes the decision to designate other reviewers or to reject the author’s work,
- positive and negative – a third reviewer is appointed.
In the case of positive reviews that require corrections, the article is sent back to the Author. The Editors forward the reviewers' comments and suggestions to the author. The Author responds to the review. If he or she maintains his or her position, he or she is obliged to provide the Editor with additional explanations. After the corrections have been introduced by the Author, the article is sent again to the Reviewer or accepted by the Editorial Board, depending on the number and complexity of the required corrections. The Editor-in-Chief receives the final version of the manuscript. The necessary editorial corrections are introduced, and the linguistic correctness of the paper is assessed. The editorial version is sent to the author for final corrections and approval. If any errors are found in the results of the research, the authors are required to correct or retract the article. The flow chart of the publishing procedure is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The peer-review process outline.
Procedure of appeal against the reviewer’s decision
If the Author does not agree with the received negative review of the submitted article, he or she has the right to appeal against it. The author sends to the Editorial Board his or her response to the review, in which he or she justifies the need to reconsider the question of the article’s publication in the journal, referring to individual comments of the Reviewers. Having considered the author's request, the Editorial Board either maintains the previous decision to refuse the publication of the article, or appoints a new set of Reviewers. If their review is also negative, the Editors make the final decision to refuse the publication of the article. There is no appeal against this decision.