“Budownictwo i Architektura” is a peer-reviewed, international, multidisciplinary quarterly published in English and Polish language by Lublin University of Technology, in an electronic and printed version. The articles presented in this journal concern fields (categories) of architecture and urban sciences, civil engineering and transport. The aim of the journal is to propagate the results of the scientific research conducted in structural engineering, mechanics of composite materials, road and bridges design, geotechnics, construction materials manufacturing methods, the subjects of history of architecture and restoration of built heritage. The journal publishes in open access formula under the Creative Commons Attribution licence – CC BY 4.0 Int. (until 2023 inclusive CC BY-SA). In 2023 the journal was accepted in the Scopus database. (more)

Polish Ministry of Education and Science journal list - 2024
The Ministry published the previous list (middle 2023) as valid in 2024. Therefore, each article in Budownictwo i Architektura journal receives MNiSW 40 points. Those published in 2023 have 100 points. The amount of points has an impact on Polish researchers' and institutions' evaluation
Polish Ministry of Education and Science announced new scientific journals list
Manuscripts published in the Budownictwo i Architektura journal receive MEiN 100 points, according to the new Polish Ministry of Education and Science journal list (number on the list - 29944, Id of the journal - 200165). The amount of points has an impact on researchers' and institutions' evaluation.
Confirmation of SCOPUS inclusion
The journal has received confirmation of SCOPUS inclusion.
So far 6 articles are indexed (vol 22(1) and 22(2) 2023). The indexation process will be finished in December, after the official database update.
Polish Ministry of Education and Science scientific journals' list
Manuscripts published in the Budownictwo i Architektura journal receive MEiN 40 points, according to the list of Polish Ministry of Education and Science (number on the list - 29955, Id of the journal - 200165).
Facebook and LinkedIn
Budownictwo I Architektura journal is now also available on Facebook and LinkedInLinkedIn. We hope that these two new communication channels will enable us to establish better contact with our authors and readers. We will be able to answer your questions, provide feedback and announce the publication of new issues more quickly.
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CrossRef and iThenticate
Budownictwo i Architektura journal is a member of CrossRef organisation. All articles published in the journal have DOI numbers provided by CrossRef. Additionally, beginning with issues from 2020, all publications are checked for plagiarism using iThenticate software.
- Academic Journals
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- Google Scholar
- Index Copernicus
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- Publons
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- Scopus
- Sherpa Romeo
- WorldWideScience