Researches of mineral-cement-emulsion mixes (MCE)
Bohdan Dołżycki of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland)
The paper describes the researches related to mineral-cement-emulsion mixes (MCE). Previous experiences related to the assessment of road sections made using this technology are described, their technical condition and damage occurring after a few years of exploitation are discussed. In the paper will be presented the results of researches of mineral-cement-emulsion carried out in order to optimize the composition of these mixtures. In the final part of the publication will be presented the new standard method to design mineral-cement-emulsion mixes (MCE), which is the result of work carried out.
mineral-cement-emulsion mixes (MCE), in-situ measurements, design methodReferences
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Bohdan Dołż
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdańsk University of Technology Poland
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