The historic windows and doors wooden cottages and a farmhouse built in the Lublin region – selected examples from Village Museum
Beata Klimek
Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Lublin is one of those regions in Poland, which was formerly in the villages and towns dominated by wood building. Currently, the vast majority of these buildings, whose number is steadily decreasing is not covered by a protective conservation. This applies especially to the nineteenth-century buildings. The few that have survived to our time, have long since lost their original appearance. Most often changed the roofs, replaced windows and doors, added timbering. As a result of these actions the buildings have lost forever its former appearance. Examples of historical joinery solutions typical for the region of Lublin can now only be traced on the premises of the exhibition Village Museum. The article discusses the types of window and door joinery formerly occurring in historic wooden building in the Lublin region.
window frames, woodwork, decorative details, vernacular architectureReferences
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Beata KlimekDepartment of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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