Evaluation of the contact angle and wettability of hydrophobised lightweight concrete with sawdust
Małgorzata Szafraniec
m.szafraniec@pollub.plFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
Danuta Barnat-Hunek
Department of Construction; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
The aim of the research presented in the paper was to evaluate the feasibility of using hydrophobic preparations based on organosilicon compounds for protection treatment on the lightweight concrete modified with sawdust. The experimental part of the work concerns the physical and mechanical properties of lightweight concrete and the influence of two hydrophobic agents on the contact angle of the material. Lightweight concrete contact angle (θw) was determined as a time function using one measuring liquid. Water repellent coatings in lightweight concrete structure with the coarse aggregate sawdust (CASD) using electron microscopy were presented. The effectiveness of hydrophobisation of porous lightweight concretes was determined on the basis of the research. For the hydrophobic surface, the contact angle decreased and it depended on the used agents. The lowest contact angle of 40.2° (t=0) was obtained for reference concrete before hydrophobisation and 112.2° after hydrophobisation with a methyl-silicone resin based on organic solvent. The results of scientific research confirm the possibility to produce lightweight concretes modified with CASD with adequate surface protection against external moisture.
Supporting Agencies
sawdust, lightweight aggregate-concrete, organosilicon compounds, hydrophobisation, contact angleReferences
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Małgorzata Szafraniecm.szafraniec@pollub.pl
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
Danuta Barnat-HunekDepartment of Construction; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
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