3D printing, as a tool for planning orthopedic surgery

Małgorzata Cykowska-Błasiak

The Department of Laser Technology, Automation and Production Organisation; Mechanical Department; Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland)

Paweł Ozga

Faculty of Interior Design and Service Department of Informatics Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow (Poland)


The purpose of the literature review is to determine the scope of 3D printing, also known as RP (Rapid Prototyping) applications in manufacturing medical model based on CJP (Collor Jet Printing) technology, with emphasis on the use in orthopedic surgery planning. The research of the presented method will be focused on the financial aspect. Researchers accept as axiomatic fact that the main buyer of the MRP (Medical Rapid Prototyping) structure will be the patient while the recipient will be the doctor or surgeon that provides the operation.

Using available open-source software solutions and suitable method for the treatment of CT (Computed Tomography) scans based on filtering RAW files managed we to get the best or relatively good results allowing to exclude a human work from one of the most difficult and time-consuming processes. Total cost of 3D printings including all production processes and post-productions are about 50% lower than commercial rates (on free market) for the model of: “oscoxae” including "osfemoris" (femur length not exceeding 20 cm). In our opinion it’s "relatively positive" effect.

Despite the success in the field of lowering the cost of 3D prints our work is still focused on reducing it (at least up to another 30%) by using automated-machine processing and tasks automation, as well as using another printing methods. Using 3D printings as a tools to help plan complex orthopedic surgeries make possible to extremely reduce the time of using instrumentation and the treatment time (comparing to similar surgeries carried out without using 3D printings).


Rapid Prototyping, 3D Printing, implants, surgery planning, addictive manufacturing

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Cited by

Cykowska-Błasiak, M. and Ozga, P. (2015) “3D printing, as a tool for planning orthopedic surgery”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 14(1), pp. 015–023. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1662.


Małgorzata Cykowska-Błasiak 

The Department of Laser Technology, Automation and Production Organisation; Mechanical Department; Wroclaw University of Technology Poland


Paweł Ozga 

Faculty of Interior Design and Service Department of Informatics Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow Poland


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