Optimization of selection process of constituent materials for high performance concrete and mortars
Nataliya Lushnikova
Department of Architecture and Environmental Design; Educational and Research Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture; National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use; Rivne; Ukraine (Ukraine)
The paper gives coverage on approach to the optimization of selection process of constituents for high performance concrete (HPC) and mortars. There is shown the example selection of cement, mineral and chemical admixtures, as the most costly and influential on concrete, from the point of their maximum efficiency, measured by flowability and compressive strength increasing indexes. Method combines models for determination of activity indexes with simple stochastic equations obtained at mathematical treatment of experimental results.
high performance concrete, mortar, chemical admixture, mineral admixture, superplasticizer, metakaolin, activity indexReferences
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Nataliya LushnikovaDepartment of Architecture and Environmental Design; Educational and Research Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture; National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use; Rivne; Ukraine Ukraine
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