On development of urban environment typology
Galina A. Osychenko
Architectural Faculty; Poltava National Technical University; Ukraine; (Ukraine)
Human nature, social values and structure of needs constitute the basis of the aesthetics therefore the integrated understanding of the individual and his vital activity is reflected in modern design. Relevance of this research lies in the development of an urban environment typology from the subjectivity point of view. This theme is considered in systemic integrity (human – society – humanity - biological species), which allows to identify the nature of the aesthetic measures. Subsequently, the following generalized types of environment are distinguished: naturecentric, anthropocentric, sociocentric and integrated. As a result, the research identifies the main tasks and key issues of reconstruction and humanization of the environment.
typology, urban environment, Aesthetics, aesthetic measureReferences
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Galina A. OsychenkoArchitectural Faculty; Poltava National Technical University; Ukraine; Ukraine
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