Peculiarities of hydration processes of cements containing natural zeolite

Khrystyna Sobol

Department of Building Production; Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering; National University Lviv Polytechnic; Lviv; Ukraine (Ukraine)

Taras Markiv

Department of Building Production; Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering; National University Lviv Polytechnic; Lviv; Ukraine (Ukraine)

Volodymyr Terlyha

Department of Building Production; Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering; National University Lviv Polytechnic; Lviv; Ukraine (Ukraine)

Wojciech Franus

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architekture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


In this study, properties and peculiarities of hydration processes as well as paste microstructure of blended cements containing 10% by weight of natural zeolite were investigated. Free calcium hydroxide content, crystalline hydration products and microstructural architecture of hydrated cement pastes were examined by physical and chemical methods. It was found that the addition of natural zeolite provides formation of an extra amount of fine crystalline ettringite and tobermorite-like calcium hydrosilicates of CSH (B) type in the mineral non-clinker part of Portland cement resulting in strength synthesis of cement stone with high performance properties.


blended cement, natural zeolite, hydration, microstructure, pozzolanic activity, plasticizer

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Cited by

Sobol, K. (2015) “Peculiarities of hydration processes of cements containing natural zeolite”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 14(1), pp. 105–113. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1674.


Khrystyna Sobol 

Department of Building Production; Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering; National University Lviv Polytechnic; Lviv; Ukraine Ukraine


Taras Markiv 

Department of Building Production; Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering; National University Lviv Polytechnic; Lviv; Ukraine Ukraine


Volodymyr Terlyha 

Department of Building Production; Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering; National University Lviv Polytechnic; Lviv; Ukraine Ukraine


Wojciech Franus 

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architekture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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