Acoustical assessment of urban residential environment
Jacek Nurzyński
Department of Acoustics; Building Research Institute (Poland)
The quality of urban residential environment depends on several factors, acoustical conditions are among the most important. Outdoor noise affects conditions inside the building, determines required sound insulation of external walls and the whole building envelope. It defines the comfort level on balconies and terraces, and also the quality of the closest building surroundings. Recent tendencies in spatial planning, related to the sustainable development idea, as rational land use, densification of existing built-up areas, revitalization of city centers etc, have possible far-reaching acoustical consequences. Besides, the environmental management and spatial planning present quite different attitude towards assessment of residential areas in terms of acoustics. The paper examines the problem of noise just from the perspective of spatial planning and building industry. The acoustic classification scheme is proposed for residential areas. It gives clear rules for acoustical planning and appropriate urban development policy. It is also an applicable tool for investors, developes, local authorities, and above all a final user to assess real quality and adequate value of the premises.
Building, acoustics, spatial planning, noise, environment, sustainable developmentReferences
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Jacek NurzyńskiDepartment of Acoustics; Building Research Institute Poland
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