Factors affecting the sound insulation in the prefabricated buildings

Barbara Szudrowicz

Department of Acoustics; Building Research Institute (Poland)

Elżbieta Nowicka

Department of Acoustics; Building Research Institute (Poland)


The sound insulation in buildings is affected by many factors related to various sound transmission paths between rooms. Among them the following paths can be distinguished: the so called direct path dependent on the sound insulation of the partition between rooms, the structural flanking transmission paths and additional airborne paths due to sound transmission though leaks and ducts linking the rooms (e.g. ventilation ducts). The paper analyzes the influence of these factors on sound insulation in multifamily, prefabricates buildings. Laboratory and field measurement results made by ITB’s Acoustic Department in the period of 1975-85 are presented.


prefabricated buildings, airborne sound insulation, impact sound insulation, partition wall, ceiling, installation channels

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Cited by

Szudrowicz, B. and Nowicka, E. (2014) “Factors affecting the sound insulation in the prefabricated buildings”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(4), pp. 049–056. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1692.


Barbara Szudrowicz 

Department of Acoustics; Building Research Institute Poland


Elżbieta Nowicka 

Department of Acoustics; Building Research Institute Poland


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