Prognosis of the technical condition of masonry walls in residential buildings
Beata Nowogońska
Institute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Zielona Góra (Poland)
The basis for diagnosis of technical buildings includes information collected by the measurement system and generated by suitable computational procedures. In the case of residential buildings, the parameter describing the symptoms of efficiency / inefficiency of components of a building is defined as the degree of wear, determined during periodic inspections. The degrees of wear of components of a building performed in the same technology. i.e. similar structure-strength systems, and with similar materials are the key figures in the prediction of the reliability of a building.The article presents the methodology of predicting operational reliability of masonry walls. The predictions of the degree of wear for walls, described with the Rayleigh distribution function, have been verified with the assessment of the technical condition of buildings in Zielona Góra.
degree of wear, durability, reliability, brick masonry wallsReferences
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Beata NowogońskaInstitute of Building Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Zielona Góra Poland
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