Geometric shaping of chosen two-layered bar domes
Dominika Pilarska
Department of Engineering and Civil Constructions; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Opole University of Technology (Poland)
The covering of large areas, such as sport areas, trade halls, warehouses and others, may be designed by using forms of spherical domes. Such constructions, especially bars ones, have undoubtedly big superiority in comparison to other structures, thanks to their light-weight or easy montage and dismantle system of particular elements. Regular polyhedra may constitute the basis for bar domes generating. Octahedron, one of the mentioned polyhedra, is for the author the basis for consideration the bar structures creation. The geometry and topology of nodes allow for the obtainment of different and interesting forms created on starting regular octahedron. The joint of two one-layered structures, using the jointing-bars, enables to obtain a two-layered structure, which is much more stable. Using different distance between two layers that is using different radiuses R1 and R2 describing spheres of each structure, we can receive models with different geometry. Thanks to that, it is appropriate to analyze different geometry parameters of researched domes. The results can be used by designers as the basis for the proper architectural spherical construction choice.
regular polyhedra, regular octahedron, octahedron-based polyhedra, one- and two-layered bar structuresReferences
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Dominika PilarskaDepartment of Engineering and Civil Constructions; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Opole University of Technology Poland
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