The program of renovation work on the example of the system building constructionW-70

Jerzy Piotrowski

Department of Building Physics and Renewable Energy; Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Power Engineering; Kielce University of Technology (Poland)

Radosław Zaborek

Department of Building Physics and Renewable Energy; Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Power Engineering; Kielce University of Technology (Poland)


The article presents a program of renovation works for buildings realized in the system W-70. The scope of work necessary to comply is analyzed and described with the specification of alternative materials and technology solutions. The analysis covers the building safety, thermal insulation, air exchange and ventilation, installation, visual and utility comfort. Special attention is paid to the work of improving microclimate in the rooms.


system residential construction, faulty solutions, operational issues, safety, repair work

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Cited by

Piotrowski, J. and Zaborek, R. (2014) “The program of renovation work on the example of the system building constructionW-70”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(3), pp. 041–048. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1762.


Jerzy Piotrowski 

Department of Building Physics and Renewable Energy; Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Power Engineering; Kielce University of Technology Poland


Radosław Zaborek 

Department of Building Physics and Renewable Energy; Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Geomatics and Power Engineering; Kielce University of Technology Poland


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