Experimental investigations of reinforced concrete columns in the edge connection zone with a reinforced concrete slab
Tadeusz Urban
Department of Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Michał Gołdyn
Department of Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
Łukasz Krawczyk
Department of Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; Lodz University of Technology (Poland)
In this paper the results of the experimental investigations of edge column – slab connections are presented and commented on. The load transmission mechanism between high strength concrete columns and slab made of normal, five times lower strength concrete was considered. The variable parameter of presented study was the overhang of slab cantilever. The performed study showed important effect of slab cantilever on effective concrete strength of column in the connection zone.
column – slab connection, effective concrete strength, high strength concrete, reinforced concrete slab, column, load carrying capacity, edge connectionReferences
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Tadeusz UrbanDepartment of Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; Lodz University of Technology Poland
Michał GołdynDepartment of Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; Lodz University of Technology Poland
Łukasz KrawczykDepartment of Concrete Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; Lodz University of Technology Poland
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