Comparative analysis of selected research methods for resistance to water and frost of asphalt mixtures
Andrzej Plewa
Division of Road Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)
Resistance to water and frost is one of the most important technical parameters characterizing the properties of asphalt mixtures. Environmental factors adversely affecting road surfaces affect the stability of individual structural layers of the road. In Polish climate zone, the road surface of the road is subjected to the processes of water infiltration, freezing and defrosting. This process is also very often accompanied by the salt used during the winter road maintenance. It is reasonable to control HMA for susceptibility to these devastating impacts. The assessment of water and frost resistance of HMA according to existing procedures consists of determining the decrease of the average indirect tensile strength of samples saturated with water in relation to dry samples. A major problem with the method used in Poland is the repeatability and reproducibility of the results of research. The paper presents the results of research and analysis methods for resistance to water and frost according to the requirements of the WT -2, AASHTO
T 283-89 and " Scandinavian method". Asphalt mixtures AC type 11S and 16P AC have been tested. Asphalt mixtures resistance to water was determined by testing modules of indirect tensile strength under static load (ITS ) and the rigidity modulus under load modules (IT - CY).
asphalt concrete (AC), HMA water and frost resistance, indirect tensile strength of HMA (ITS), rigidity modulus (IT-CY) HMAReferences
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Andrzej PlewaDivision of Road Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology Poland
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