Corrugated sheet as a bracing of flat truss chords at their out-plane buckling

Antoni Biegus

Department of Metal Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland)


Corrugated sheet properly connected with the upper chord of the flat truss can be taken into account in the assessment of the out-plane stability of the upper and bottom chord as well. The term of lateral bracing by the corrugated roof sheeting in purlinless truss chords was discussed. The calculation models for assessment of the lateral supporting of the bottom truss chords a as the flexible restraint in the roof corrugated sheets were given. The procedures of the assessment of resistance due to out-plane buckling of the bottom truss chord braced by roof sheeting were presented. 


flat truss, corrugated sheet, lateral bracing of chord

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Cited by

Biegus, A. (2014) “Corrugated sheet as a bracing of flat truss chords at their out-plane buckling”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(3), pp. 209–218. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1822.


Antoni Biegus 

Department of Metal Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Wroclaw University of Technology Poland


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