Calculation of column bases under biaxial bending

Marcin Górski

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)


Columns are structural elements subjected to compression and sometimes bending. The way of their anchorages in foundations usually allows to withstand bending only in one plane, while in another plane connection is assumed to be hinged. Sometimes column need to be fixed in both planes, for example in steel sheds, which causes biaxial bending with additional axial force in column bases. Both codes [1] and available literature (ex. [2], [3], [4]) give procedures only to calculate column bases under bending in one axial. This paper shows the proposal of the procedure to calculate column bases under compression and biaxial bending. This iterative procedure is based on component method. Obtained results were compared with results from finite element analysis.


column base, biaxial bending, component method, finite element method

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Cited by

Górski, M. (2014) “Calculation of column bases under biaxial bending”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(3), pp. 235–242. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1825.


Marcin Górski 

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszow University of Technology Poland


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