Transform, but how?
Olga Skoczylas
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
This article is an attempt to point, on concrete examples, the most important aspects which occur at almost every successful revitalization of settlements made in industrialized technology. "Concrete slabs" is present in almost every Polish city. Western countries, at least partially faced problems that are associated with apartment blocks. In the very foreseeable future, in Poland, we cannot pretend not to see that in the prefabricated housing people live in bad conditions, that there are more social pathologies, or that the settlements are depopulated. Thermomodernization itself is not enough to restore a healthy and full of energy life to the dying blocks.
concrete slabs technology, revitalization, big panel housing estates, apartment blocksReferences
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Olga SkoczylasIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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