Monitoring the movements of the building founded on expansive clays

Aleksandra Gorączko

Department of Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (Poland)

Maria Gadomska

Department of Building Engineering and Building Physics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (Poland)

Maciej Kumor

Department of Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz (Poland)


The paper presents the methodology and results of the monitoring of the building, which failed geotechnical reasons. The building is located in Bydgoszcz, and founded into the clays of high expansiveness. Faults in the design of structure and during exploitation led to the activation of the processes of swelling and shrinkage, and consequently the failure state of the structure. After the strengthening of the foundations and repair construction, geotechnical monitoring was conducted, covering, inter alia, systematic measurements of vertical displacements. Monitoring results showed a very slow process of stabilizing movements of the building. This indicates the legitimacy of observation even for several years after the repair of this type of buildings.


geotechnical monitoring, expansive clay, displacements, failure of the structure

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Cited by

Gorączko, A., Gadomska, M. and Kumor, M. (2014) “Monitoring the movements of the building founded on expansive clays”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 025–032. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1846.


Aleksandra Gorączko 

Department of Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Poland


Maria Gadomska 

Department of Building Engineering and Building Physics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Poland


Maciej Kumor 

Department of Geotechnics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture; University of Technology of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Poland


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