Compressibility of kaolinite treated with fly ash from fluidized bed combustion

Karolina Knapik

Department of Geotechnics and Roads; Faculty of Civil Engineering; The Silesian University of Technology; Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering; University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Poland)

Joanna Bzówka

Department of Geotechnics and Roads; Faculty of Civil Engineering; The Silesian University of Technology (Poland)

Giacomo Russo

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering; University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)


Waste products such as fly ash can be an economically advantageous alternative for lime and cement in ground improvement techniques. Current state of knowledge indicates the possibility of using this material successfully in various engineering projects. However, the chemical composition of fly ash is related to the type of coal and combustion technology used in power plant. This fact indicates need for further studies aiming determination the effect of fly ash addition on soil properties. Rate of soil improvement considered in macro level includes designation of treated soil mechanical properties, inter alia compressibility characteristics. Presented results of laboratory tests are a part of a larger experimental work aiming to determine the suitability of fly ash from fluidized bed combustion for the purpose of soil strengthen with the use of selected ground improvement.


kaolinite, fly ash, fluidized bed combustion, porosity index, volume strain

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Cited by

Knapik, K., Bzówka, J. and Russo, G. (2014) “Compressibility of kaolinite treated with fly ash from fluidized bed combustion”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 033–038. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1848.


Karolina Knapik 

Department of Geotechnics and Roads; Faculty of Civil Engineering; The Silesian University of Technology; Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering; University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Poland


Joanna Bzówka 

Department of Geotechnics and Roads; Faculty of Civil Engineering; The Silesian University of Technology Poland


Giacomo Russo 

Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering; University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Italy


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