Standard term concrete families on the example of continuous production of Spiroll slabs

Józef Jasiczak

Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

Marcin Kanoniczak

Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Poznan University of Technology (Poland)

Łukasz Smaga

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics; Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland)


The article presents the division of test results series for the compressive strength of concrete into concrete families for the continuous production of concrete mix used for the manufacture of precast concrete slabs in Spiroll technology. On the basis of a calculation procedure involving the verification of assumed statistical hypotheses, the division of a set of concrete strength results achieved after 1 and 28 days of curing was made. Concrete families were obtained representing the statistical invariability of strength parameters for the concrete manufactured in a defined period of time.


family of concrete, compressive strength of concrete, Spiroll slabs, control of concrete mix production

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Cited by

Jasiczak, J., Kanoniczak, M. and Smaga, Łukasz (2014) “Standard term concrete families on the example of continuous production of Spiroll slabs”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 099–108. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1884.


Józef Jasiczak 

Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Poznan University of Technology Poland


Marcin Kanoniczak 

Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Poznan University of Technology Poland


Łukasz Smaga 

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science; Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics; Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan Poland


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