Wind tunnel tests of wind action on a high-rise building

Grzegorz Bosak

Wind Engineering Laboratory; Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology (Poland)


The paper summarizes the results of wind tunnel tests of a wind action on a high-rise building design in Warsaw. Measurements were accomplished in Wind Engineering Laboratory of Cracow University of Technology. Wind pressures on external surfaces of the building model were acquired. A study of the character of the wind action on a tower of the building was the main aim of the paper. A triangle shape with rounded corners of the cross section of the tower and a complex group of neighbor buildings support aerodynamic analysis in a wind tunnel. Wind pressure coefficients on the external building surfaces and the global horizontal wind action on the building tower on full scale were analyzed.



wind pressure measurements, wind tunnel, high-rise building, wind action, aerodynamic interference

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Cited by

Bosak, G. (2014) “Wind tunnel tests of wind action on a high-rise building ”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 163–171. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1891.


Grzegorz Bosak 

Wind Engineering Laboratory; Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology Poland


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