Comparison of computed and measured dynamic characteristics of industrial chimney by GPS technology

Tadeusz Chmielewski

Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Opole University of Technology (Poland)

Piotr Górski

Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Opole University of Technology (Poland)

Peter Breuer

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences; Stuttgart, Germany (Germany)

Eduard Konopka

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences; Stuttgart, Germany (Germany)


In the paper, the theoretical natural vibration frequencies and mode shapes of the chimney with and without the flexibility of soil were compared with the experimental results of two field tests carried out in December 2008 and in May 2011 by using GPS technology. Three GPS rover receivers were installed at three various levels. The GPS was able to measure only the first natural frequencies and mode shapes of the chimney. The damping ratios and maximum displacements of the chimney using the band-pass filtering technique for both tests were also determined. The measured dynamic characteristics are important for the assessment of the technical state of the chimney. The estimated dynamic characteristics, using GPS measurements, are compatible with the computed results.

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Cited by

Chmielewski, T. (2014) “Comparison of computed and measured dynamic characteristics of industrial chimney by GPS technology”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 173–182. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1892.


Tadeusz Chmielewski 

Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Opole University of Technology Poland


Piotr Górski 

Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Opole University of Technology Poland


Peter Breuer 

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences; Stuttgart, Germany Germany


Eduard Konopka 

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences; Stuttgart, Germany Germany


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