A study on propagation of elastic waves in steel bolted joints

Magdalena Rucka

Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridge Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)

Rafał Kędra

Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridge Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)


The paper presents experimental and numerical analysis of elastic waves propagation in bolted connection of two steel plates. Numerical calculations were carried out using finite element method in two stages. In the first stage, static behavior of the joint during bolts compression was analyzed. Results of static analysis were used to formulate contact conditions for dynamic models. The analysis of wave propagation was taken for four types of bolt connection model. Finally, experimental tests by using a laser vibrometer and piezoelectric actuator were made in order to validate finite element models.


wave propagation, nodes of steel structures, bolted joints, FEM calculations, experimental investigations

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Cited by

Rucka, M. and Kędra, R. (2014) “A study on propagation of elastic waves in steel bolted joints”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 299–306. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1908.


Magdalena Rucka 

Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridge Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology Poland


Rafał Kędra 

Department of Structural Mechanics and Bridge Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology Poland


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