The viaduct In Calabria as an example of innovative solutions in construction of transport infrastructure
Anna Leniak-Tomczyk
DrogMost Lubelski Sp. z o.o.; Lublin, Poland (Poland)
Grażyna Łagoda
Institute of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
The current legal regulations in the EU and in the world force us to seek new solutions in design and construction of transport infrastructure structure-solutions which comply with the environmental protection rules while being economically justified. The article includes an analysis of innovative solutions in design and construction of transport infrastructure structures in the world using as an example the plans of reconstruction and modernization of a viaduct along A3 highway in Calabria(Italy).
innovation, transport infrastructure, viaduct, environmental, renewable energyReferences
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Anna Leniak-TomczykDrogMost Lubelski Sp. z o.o.; Lublin, Poland Poland
Grażyna ŁagodaInstitute of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland
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