Overpasses in Poland – naturalists and road constructors’ joint success
Rafał Kurek
Association Workshop for All Beings (Poland)
Radosław Ślusarczyk
Association Workshop for All Beings (Poland)
Overpasses in the form of viaducts over roads are among the most interesting engineered facilities. Though building overpasses for animals in Poland has a fairly short history and at the beginning was far from successful, currently we are an European leader in terms of building these objects. The first overpasses built in Poland in 2001 were so narrow and poorly developed that they resembled more the facilities for pedestrians than those supposed to hold an ecological function. As a result of the criticism that came from naturalists, and the interbranch consultations that started at that time, effective measures were implemented within barely few years. The facilities designed nowadays are just as good as the best wildlife crossings in Western Europe. It is noteworthy how important the intersectoral cooperation between the road industry and naturalists has proved to be – mutual substantial support, promoting optimal solutions and sharing experience. This paper will discuss the evolution that took place in Poland between 2001 and 2013 in terms of designing and constructing overpasses. The best road sections and model wildlife crossings that should become an inspiration for designing new facilities will be presented. The author will also analyze the problems the wildlife crossings designers will have to confront over the next few years.
wildlife crossings, green bridges, landscape bridges, ecoductsReferences
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Rafał KurekAssociation Workshop for All Beings Poland
Radosław ŚlusarczykAssociation Workshop for All Beings Poland
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