The application of checklists in environmental studies in the field of road construction
Slávka Gałaś
Department of Environmental Analysis, Mapping and Economic Geology; Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection; AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland)
Janusz Bohatkiewicz
Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Checklists are one of the simplest but very effective methods used in the phase of planning, preparation and verification of activities, among others in the process of environmental impact assessment. These checklists can be used as a useful tool in every phase of the evaluation process to check the quality of the data used and the work performed and to verify the completeness of the assessments. The aim of the article is to show the applicability of checklists in environmental studies in the field of road construction on the domestic examples and from abroad.
checklists, verification, report of environmental impactReferences
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Slávka GałaśDepartment of Environmental Analysis, Mapping and Economic Geology; Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection; AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow Poland
Janusz BohatkiewiczDepartment of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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