Stigmergic behaviour and nodal places in residential areas: Case of post-socialist city Kharkiv in Ukraine
Oksana Chabanyuk
Department of Architectural Environment Design; Faculty of Architecture; Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; (Ukraine)
Miguel Fonseca
miguelfonseca.ciaud@fa.ulisboa.ptThe Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD); Architecture Faculty; University of Lisbon; (Portugal)
The study of urban development and regeneration of residential areas in the cities are mainly focused on the separate infrastructural systems and less how networks of infrastructural systems and their elements, as nodal places, interact with the existing living environment and its urban tissue. The central goal of the paper is to examine contemporary residential areas of low liveability with nodal places of logistics and services infrastructural networks, with an eye on existing urban policies and application of transdisciplinary concept of stigmergy in contemporary urban environment. Research objectives: (a) conceptualisation of stigmergic process in urban planning; (b) overview of socialist and post-socialist urban policies for residential areas; (c) stigmergic behaviour in the development of nodal places in residential areas. Methodology: Use of Earth Time Observation Systems for identification of urban changes of nodal places under the stigmergic behaviour in the case study residential area in post-socialist city in Ukraine; contextualization of the case study with the categories: Ideology, Institutional level, Politics, Economics, Mobile Infrastructures. Discussion and conclusion: (a) as concept, stigmergic behaviours are efficient, but work as a self-organization form; (b) urban policies should, under the stigmergic behaviours, contextualize changes, continue or prevent the process.
nodal places, urban policies, post-socialist city, residential areas, stigmergy, stigmergic behaviourReferences
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Oksana ChabanyukDepartment of Architectural Environment Design; Faculty of Architecture; Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Ukraine
The Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design (CIAUD); Architecture Faculty; University of Lisbon; Portugal
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