Communication and buildings. Space as mass-media

Anna Gawlikowska

Department of Mechanical Engineering; ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Switzerland)


After providing definition and social roles of communication, media and mass-media, placing of architecture and urban space as one of the media types is proposed. Subsequently, architecture is looked at in the context of mass-media meaning transmission methods, roles, functions, effects and drawbacks. Articulating phenomena in architectural communication are listed, along with exemplary methods, in which design of space can shape public opinion. Models of mass communication are defined and discussed in context of architecture and urban space. This paper provides examples of short-, intermediate-, and long-term effects facilitated through space, as well as analyses, how architecture performs functions of media in society.


Mass-media, architecture, urban design, communication, social rituals, symbols, language, transmission

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Cited by

Gawlikowska, A. (2013) “Communication and buildings. Space as mass-media”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(4), pp. 007–020. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1953.


Anna Gawlikowska 

Department of Mechanical Engineering; ETH Zurich, Switzerland Switzerland


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